My experience in college.

I had a lot of fun through out my first year in college. I mean sure it was not all sunshine and rainbows but I can’t think of a time where I was not enjoying myself. My roommate are pretty great, we decided to even stay together this school year, and classes were went really well, I mean there was only one class I did not really enjoy but that was in my second semester so I am not counting that right now. To compare my experiences to Sarah there were classes like the one English professor, whom where chill and approachable and some like the art professor, more standard teacher from high school, I guess where Sarah and I differ is that I did not really talk to a lot of my friends back home, I mean one took a trip over seas and I did not find out till fall break and the others were also settling into college. On another note I talked to my family all the time so i was never really home sick, it probably helped that my family moved quite a bit growing up so i never really tied home to place but rather people and i was talking to those people often. I also didn’t date in high school so I didn’t have to deal with a long distance relationship, my roommate did and just from watching them I count myself lucky on that front. All to say I enjoyed my first time at college, I actually joined a club not to long into the semester so i was able to get out and meet some nice people outside of my dorm building and classes, it was nice. When i finally went home for fall break i was looking forward to coming back but i was also excited to be back with my family, like the week before i was set to go home some of my buddies from back home reached out to set up a meet up so not only was i going looking forward to being with my family i was looking forward to going out with my buddies. All in all I enjoyed college it was fun and I learned quite a bit.

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One Reply to “My experience in college.”

  1. Dear logan
    I too am a sophomore and my first year wasn’t sunshine and rainbows too. I was struggling in classes trying to create a system that worked for me to get everything done but also have a good time also. I did not stay with my roommate though I am staying with some guys I met playing club baseball. Like you though I am having a better year so far and enjoying college better than last year. Not like you though I did keep in touch with my friends from back home the closer ones though that I grew up with and hung out alot with. I was never really home sick either. I only live about fifty minutes away from school ,so I go home from time to time to see my family and work to make some money. Unlike you I did date in high school and I tried the long distance relationship and it did not work out for me. It was always back and forth and I just could not do it while I had a bunch of work for classes due. Fall break too was very exciting for me too. All my friends that I kept in touch with were coming back. All my friends went out of state except two of us so it was great seeing everyone and getting back together like in highschool. I also looked forward to fall break because I can go out on the job site and see the guys that it worked with every summer and I could make some money while I was home for a couple of days. I really enjoyed my first year too. It taught me alot about myself and the responsibilities I need to work on, and it also felt good to be away from home. I know it’s not that far but I just felt better.


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