Blog Post 4

Now that I am six weeks into the semester,I have really felt stressed and pressured on my upcoming assignments. Just like Sarah had all the calc modules due, and a midterm in two weeks, I also have three exams and precalculus homework due this week. My college experience also relates to Sarah because I also formed a study group in the library just like Sarah did, to help me understand precalculus better. Unlike Sarah, I am looking forward to the holidays because I get to spend time with my family and I get to take a break from college. Although I am happy that I get a break from college, I am nervous about the future assignments that my classes are going to assign me. Being that I am already stressed out with the responsibilities of getting my work turned in on time, I don’t want to get too overwhelmed or deal with serious anxiety problems that may lead to deeper depression. One of the college experiences that Sarah went through in college was her boyfriend breaking up with her. Sarah seemed to be surprised when her boyfriend told her the morning before her class; on the other hand, I have never experienced a break up while in college. I felt bad for Sarah because she was already overwhelmed with all of the college work and planning on how she was going to pass her midterm; so receiving that news made me feel sad for her. I think that a larger university would make me feel just as stressed as being here at Longwood. My reason for saying this is because there is still a lot of responsibilities that I would need to take account for when doing my assignments and managing my time wisely. For example, I sometimes want to go to the gym to workout and play basketball; however, I may have a precalculus homework or another assignment due the night prior. But as much as I think that a larger university would be the same, I also think that a larger university would be different as well because there are more students, which means a bigger and more diverse environment. In some colleges like JMU, professors consider students as a number; however, at Longwood professors know the name of their students. Another way that a bigger university compares to my experience here is how I would be able to meet new people from different parts of the world. I feel as if students that were freshmen would be just as nervous as I am just like freshmen that go to Longwood. All in all, I can relate to all of the challenges that Sarah has faced in her first year of college; however, I look forward to conquering them all!

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One Reply to “Blog Post 4”

  1. I can relate a lot to how you and Sarah are feeling about school. When I read this section of the story I also felt like I could relate to her workload. I’m realizing how different college is to high school. Trying to figure out how to balance all my classes has been a big struggle for me. You mentioned that you have many exams coming up. I also have lots of exams that have been causing me anxiety. I like that you talked about forming a study group for your calculus class. Considering that worked for you, I might also try to form a study group to help get me through some of my more difficult classes as well.
    We feel similarly about going home for break. As you said, you are happy to see your family but are feeling anxious about the work that will be waiting when you come back. I have the same feelings about fall break. I am especially excited to see my family because I haven’t seen any of my siblings since I moved into school. Although I know I will still have work to do when I get back, I am going to try to enjoy my break the best that I can and take it as a time to catch up on all of my papers and projects that are due in the next couple of weeks.
    You talk a lot about Longwood being different from other larger schools. I have noticed this as well. The smaller classroom setting where the teachers know me personally holds me accountable because like you said, we are more than just a number. While at larger schools it is probably easier to skip lectures and get by. I chose to respond to your post because I think we relate and differ from Sarah in very similar ways. I also love the way you end off your post on a positive note. Good luck!


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