How my experience relates to Sarah’s now that she is attending classes

As Sarah recently started class, she was already feeling that her brain was going into many different directions with different emotions. Sarah had a very similar view on the first week of classes as myself. I remember sitting there and listening to everyone around me just like Sarah did. When Sarah got back from classes her and her friend Maddy were talking, Sarah asked if she stalked her on social media, and of course she did because that’s what we do. I did the exact same thing, but I did this with my suitemates since I did not know them in person. I feel that many people did and still do this when they first meet someone. When Sarah picked up the phone from her friend back home and Maddy immediately wanted to say hi, it reminded me of calling people from home. My roommate is a childhood friend of mine, so we both share the same friends. It seems to me that when one of us is on the phone we are both on the phone. Then, Sarah was talking about missing her friend and she can not wait to see them soon. I relate to this, because I always look forward to seeing my friends at home when I go for the weekend. When Sarah met “photo guy” in class, and he told her that she looks like she knew her way around, she was confused and mentioned she had not figured out the bus routes. Thinking back to the first week or so of school, I was so lost on when the bus was coming and where it was going as well. Sarah went to the dining hall just like myself, and her thought was why was the dining hall so good then, but not now? This explains me and how I feel about the dining hall here at Longwood. As Liz and Sarah were sitting on the bench thinking about missing their dogs all I could think about is how I miss mine. Even though missing my dogs and family is upsetting it just reminds me of all the good times we have when I am home. Reading more in the story, Sarah mentioned not feeling good and then Maddy saying everyone is getting sick is such a true statement here at Longwood too. My suitemates got sick, so we all got sick. Finishing reading all the pages, I noticed that mine and Sarah’s experiences are similar, but also different at the same time. I think it’s fascinating to know that I am not the only one feeling this way, but so many others as well. 

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