The Struggles of the Real First Week

Dear Sarah,

I hope you know you are not the only one who must adjust to college. My first week of classes was rough, too, having to find time to do all my homework and still find time for myself. You will find out quickly in the first week if the major you pick wasn’t meant for you. I dropped a class my first week, so I do understand the struggle. Because the first week of move-in consisted of hanging out with everyone, and the dorm was always clean, for the reason that no one had classes yet. Rather than now, everyone has multiple classes a day, and everything just gets messy. I try my best to clean my room at least every other day, but you can ask my roommate. I’m just a mess, and the dynamic you have with your roommate is me and mine. My roommate wants to join a sorority and all these clubs, and I want to I just haven’t taken that next step yet. But something I can relate to you from my first week of classes: it’s so much easier to make friends in college. All you have to do is relate with them on something, and then they are one of your new best friends. But one thing that never gets easier is living in a new place without your family or past friends from home. You went home and got to see your family. Mine was flipped; my parents came down here for a family weekend and they brought my dog. It was a feeling of security in a way because calling them isn’t the same as having them in front of you. I wish I could tell you how excited I am to see my friends back home next week for fall break. But one thing you need to remember is that college is building you into the person you need to become it’s always going to be an uphill battle, and it’s not supposed to be easy.

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One Reply to “The Struggles of the Real First Week”

  1. I think this is a really good way to connect to the main character of “Freshman Year”. The way that your first week and hers were very similar is pretty common. I think it’s really great that there are ways that new students can connect. Don’t worry if you feel like you aren’t ready to join yet. Some people aren’t joiners at all but the fact that you know it takes time to get used to things is great. Yes there are times that school can get a little crazy and feel like it’s overtaking. It can only overtake if you let it. It may sound difficult to just hang onto it but you will get the hang of managing it all. There will be stressful times and times that seem suspiciously easy. Use these times to get ahead on work and cleaning so the stress doesn’t sneak up on you.
    It’s really great that making friends is so easy for you. Being able to relate to a lot of people on different fronts is always a great skill to have. Most people have to spend a lot of time learning that skill but you are prepared! Although you may be making new friends here it will always be hard to leave what and who you have know for so long. That is what I struggle with. You won’t be here forever so that is a good thing. You will see them again. Fall break being right around the corner is a very exciting time. I know I’m excited about it. It’s great that you realize all of these hard things are character building for you and the main character. It won’t always be hard but being easy isn’t always the road that will be in front of you. Im glad you are having great year so far.


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