Blog Post 5 (10/17): Do YOU Know When You Register?


As usual, in this blog post, compare your experiences with those of Sarah, our protagonist. We see Sarah, having returned from Thanksgiving break, ready to tackle the last couple of weeks of school. You have also just returned from a similar time frame break and are likely facing more midterms. If you’re having difficulty thinking of ways to approach this, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Hopefully no one returned to a dead fish after the break, but how does it feel to be back with a roommate after being home (or not) where things are familiar?
  2. Do you know when you register? What classes you are hoping to get? Are there still things that seem so totally brand new to you here at Longwood?
  3. How do you think your experience at a small school compares to Sarah’s big midwestern school experience.
  4. Do you find yourself drifting further from your friends back home?
  5. You have TWO breaks quickly approaching, how do you think it will feel to be away from Longwood for an extended amount of time?

The further we travel down Sarah’s Freshman experience, the harder it will be for you to relate because you will not have had these experiences yet. This is when some deeper reflection on what you’ve already experienced will come in handy. It’s time to start PLANNING how you will handle the remainder of your freshman year.

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The Struggles of the Real First Week


Dear Sarah,

I hope you know you are not the only one who must adjust to college. My first week of classes was rough, too, having to find time to do all my homework and still find time for myself. You will find out quickly in the first week if the major you pick wasn’t meant for you. I dropped a class my first week, so I do understand the struggle. Because the first week of move-in consisted of hanging out with everyone, and the dorm was always clean, for the reason that no one had classes yet. Rather than now, everyone has multiple classes a day, and everything just gets messy. I try my best to clean my room at least every other day, but you can ask my roommate. I’m just a mess, and the dynamic you have with your roommate is me and mine. My roommate wants to join a sorority and all these clubs, and I want to I just haven’t taken that next step yet. But something I can relate to you from my first week of classes: it’s so much easier to make friends in college. All you have to do is relate with them on something, and then they are one of your new best friends. But one thing that never gets easier is living in a new place without your family or past friends from home. You went home and got to see your family. Mine was flipped; my parents came down here for a family weekend and they brought my dog. It was a feeling of security in a way because calling them isn’t the same as having them in front of you. I wish I could tell you how excited I am to see my friends back home next week for fall break. But one thing you need to remember is that college is building you into the person you need to become it’s always going to be an uphill battle, and it’s not supposed to be easy.

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How my experience relates to Sarah’s now that she is attending classes


As Sarah recently started class, she was already feeling that her brain was going into many different directions with different emotions. Sarah had a very similar view on the first week of classes as myself. I remember sitting there and listening to everyone around me just like Sarah did. When Sarah got back from classes her and her friend Maddy were talking, Sarah asked if she stalked her on social media, and of course she did because that’s what we do. I did the exact same thing, but I did this with my suitemates since I did not know them in person. I feel that many people did and still do this when they first meet someone. When Sarah picked up the phone from her friend back home and Maddy immediately wanted to say hi, it reminded me of calling people from home. My roommate is a childhood friend of mine, so we both share the same friends. It seems to me that when one of us is on the phone we are both on the phone. Then, Sarah was talking about missing her friend and she can not wait to see them soon. I relate to this, because I always look forward to seeing my friends at home when I go for the weekend. When Sarah met “photo guy” in class, and he told her that she looks like she knew her way around, she was confused and mentioned she had not figured out the bus routes. Thinking back to the first week or so of school, I was so lost on when the bus was coming and where it was going as well. Sarah went to the dining hall just like myself, and her thought was why was the dining hall so good then, but not now? This explains me and how I feel about the dining hall here at Longwood. As Liz and Sarah were sitting on the bench thinking about missing their dogs all I could think about is how I miss mine. Even though missing my dogs and family is upsetting it just reminds me of all the good times we have when I am home. Reading more in the story, Sarah mentioned not feeling good and then Maddy saying everyone is getting sick is such a true statement here at Longwood too. My suitemates got sick, so we all got sick. Finishing reading all the pages, I noticed that mine and Sarah’s experiences are similar, but also different at the same time. I think it’s fascinating to know that I am not the only one feeling this way, but so many others as well. 

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My experience in college.


I had a lot of fun through out my first year in college. I mean sure it was not all sunshine and rainbows but I can’t think of a time where I was not enjoying myself. My roommate are pretty great, we decided to even stay together this school year, and classes were went really well, I mean there was only one class I did not really enjoy but that was in my second semester so I am not counting that right now. To compare my experiences to Sarah there were classes like the one English professor, whom where chill and approachable and some like the art professor, more standard teacher from high school, I guess where Sarah and I differ is that I did not really talk to a lot of my friends back home, I mean one took a trip over seas and I did not find out till fall break and the others were also settling into college. On another note I talked to my family all the time so i was never really home sick, it probably helped that my family moved quite a bit growing up so i never really tied home to place but rather people and i was talking to those people often. I also didn’t date in high school so I didn’t have to deal with a long distance relationship, my roommate did and just from watching them I count myself lucky on that front. All to say I enjoyed my first time at college, I actually joined a club not to long into the semester so i was able to get out and meet some nice people outside of my dorm building and classes, it was nice. When i finally went home for fall break i was looking forward to coming back but i was also excited to be back with my family, like the week before i was set to go home some of my buddies from back home reached out to set up a meet up so not only was i going looking forward to being with my family i was looking forward to going out with my buddies. All in all I enjoyed college it was fun and I learned quite a bit.

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My Connection to Freshman Year


Freshman Year by Sarah Mai is a relatable book to me in so many ways. This book so far has made me feel the emotions I went through while moving to college once again. I first related to Sarah when she came home after graduation and asked herself if that was it, because after my graduation I asked myself that same question. The realization that I was about to start my college journey hit me that night, I was now an adult. Though I was already an adult, I still did not feel like one and the realization that I was starting my independence journey dawned on me.

One scene that stood out to me was when Sarah was on a family trip and told her mom how she was stressed about everything, took me back when I was preparing for my college move in. I planned how my summer was going to be like, me doing everything I needed to do for college and my personal life. I wanted everything to be perfect, which I learned the hard way that nothing is perfect. I had planned to go skydiving with my friend, but my expectations were shattered, because my friends and I had schedule conflict and were not able to hang out much. I did get to spend quality time with my family, which brought me joy.

When reading I noticed similarities between Sarah’s mom and mine, especially in the shopping scene where Sarah’s mom overbought supplies. When shopping with my mom she often wanted to buy things I did not need because she didn’t want me to miss home too much. It was funny to see her worry more than I did, even though I was the one moving away. I particularly related to Sarah’s mom when she mentioned how her mother drove her nuts but was happy to go home in thanksgiving, because I cannot wait to go home during fall break to see my mom and eat her food.

Another scene was how Sarah’s room was mess from packing. It reminded me of how I procrastinated all summer and started pacing days before my moving day leaving my room in a similar state. The emotions Sarah was going through when Finn and her drove to the corn field was something to which I could relate. I felt like I was moving away and never coming back, even though I knew that was not true.

On moving day, my mom was in full “mama bear” mode, giving me a talk on the dos and don’ts and thinking of every possible scenario that could happen to me. So, I can relate to Sarah siting through her father telling her things she should do and not do. Overall, I find many similarities between Sarah and myself and I look forward to seeing what more we share by the end of the year.

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Anxious first week of classes (blog post #4)


Sarah’s first week of classes just started and I can’t help but notice how similar our experiences were. While she’s more on the talkative side, In her French class she notices that everyone is slightly more in the know than she is. My first week of classes I had this exact same feeling, sometimes I still do.
She also has a bigger work load and it seems to stress her out. If I had a penny for every time I got stressed out by school work, I’d be rich. But she has friends that make it just a bit easier for her and that’s what I love so much about college. You can be losing your mind over school and someone will be right there for you cause chances are, they’re losing their mind too.
She talks to her mom about how she feels like she doesn’t have the time to do anything but write papers and draw, and I can completely relate to that. If I’m not at work, stressing about what’s going on there that night, I’m in my dorm worried about everything that’s due. That’s what also brings more problems to me. I’m trying to work and stay afloat and do school at the same time. Maybe I just need to get better at time management. Or get a better sleep schedule. Most of my week is going to classes and as soon as I’m done for the day, I go to work. Sometimes I dont get home until 10:30-11ish area, and it feels like it leaves me no time to do anything, especially not before assignments are due.
Sarah talks about how she had such an optimistic outlook for beginning college but now she’s always just worried and anxious. I don’t think I’ve heard anything more true than that. I was so excited to start college, I thought that when everyone told me that college is a little difficult and trying that I would easily find my way around that. But now I’m starting to believe that while it is possible, it just takes time.


Blog Post 4


Now that I am six weeks into the semester,I have really felt stressed and pressured on my upcoming assignments. Just like Sarah had all the calc modules due, and a midterm in two weeks, I also have three exams and precalculus homework due this week. My college experience also relates to Sarah because I also formed a study group in the library just like Sarah did, to help me understand precalculus better. Unlike Sarah, I am looking forward to the holidays because I get to spend time with my family and I get to take a break from college. Although I am happy that I get a break from college, I am nervous about the future assignments that my classes are going to assign me. Being that I am already stressed out with the responsibilities of getting my work turned in on time, I don’t want to get too overwhelmed or deal with serious anxiety problems that may lead to deeper depression. One of the college experiences that Sarah went through in college was her boyfriend breaking up with her. Sarah seemed to be surprised when her boyfriend told her the morning before her class; on the other hand, I have never experienced a break up while in college. I felt bad for Sarah because she was already overwhelmed with all of the college work and planning on how she was going to pass her midterm; so receiving that news made me feel sad for her. I think that a larger university would make me feel just as stressed as being here at Longwood. My reason for saying this is because there is still a lot of responsibilities that I would need to take account for when doing my assignments and managing my time wisely. For example, I sometimes want to go to the gym to workout and play basketball; however, I may have a precalculus homework or another assignment due the night prior. But as much as I think that a larger university would be the same, I also think that a larger university would be different as well because there are more students, which means a bigger and more diverse environment. In some colleges like JMU, professors consider students as a number; however, at Longwood professors know the name of their students. Another way that a bigger university compares to my experience here is how I would be able to meet new people from different parts of the world. I feel as if students that were freshmen would be just as nervous as I am just like freshmen that go to Longwood. All in all, I can relate to all of the challenges that Sarah has faced in her first year of college; however, I look forward to conquering them all!

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Sarah’s summer and start of semester


Even in the starting few pages there is already a parallel between myself and the main character Sarah. She is at her graduation ceremony waiting to graduate one panel and the next she has graduated. This is very similar to how I felt at my graduation, my whole high school career had built up to this moment when I graduated. Once I got on the stage it seemed to be over in the blink of an eye. Sarah and I both had a summer job but unlike her I worked at a grocery store near my house. I enjoyed it.However Sarah went to a camp with her friends, I didn’t do anything like this and I regret it. I wish I had done more fun things with my friends before going off to college. In the weeks leading up to her school starting Sarah’s school sent out an informational course on the dangers of drugs and alcohol and her friend says you’ve been doing that forever. Longwood also sent out a module with the same topics for us to do which was quite long and it didn’t help that I accidentally closed out of the tab multiple times and had to rewatch videos. In Sarah’s story she moved in after her roommate so she didn’t have much say in how the dorm would look because her roommate had already decorated. For me I moved in a day before any of my suitemates so I was able to pick which side of the room I got. After the first night Sarah and her roommate attend presentations about activities at school and school safety. These are similar to the new lacer days we had at longwood. I felt these days were fun and not too repetitive. I met my peer mentor and got to make a few friends in my group. Sarah doesn’t take it well as she feels as if she’s turning skeleton listening to all of the presentations but she makes it through them. On the first day of classes she sits in a big lecture hall which is much different than the lecture experience I’ve had as the lectures I have are no more than 25 people. Although Sarah and I are two totally different people we have shared many of the same college experiences. So maybe college isn’t as scary and unpredictable as it might seem.


How Does Your Experience Compare to Sarah’s Now that She Is in Classes–Blog Post 4 (Original)


This blog post should focus on how your experiences compare to those of Sarah and her friends now that they are in the thick of the semester. We witness Sarah going to classes, attending social events, dealing with roommate struggles, and eventually completing her first semester in college and returning home, as well as returning to college. What about her situation mirrors your own? Are you looking forward to the holidays or does the thought of returning home make you feel uneasy? How do you think you’ll feel about returning to college after the break?

What else about your experiences are completely different than what Sarah has gone through? How do you think a larger university compares to your experience here at Longwood?

You are NOT required to answer all of these questions, but choose what works best for you.

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