During this semester being a sophomore and taking English 165, I have learned a lot about myself through writing. When I would write before I would usually just free-write my papers. I did not take enough time doing them and I did not have any structure to my writing. Since taking English 165,  I have learned to structure and take time writing my papers. I have now figured out how I can write efficiently and get my papers in on time. Since I found my groove in writing, I have gained confidence in the process. Before, I would turn in my papers right when they were due. I had no time to review my paper or get my paper peer reviewed. Since I have now learned to manage my time, I get my papers peer reviewed, I learn from my mistakes in previous work, and I improve from there. Since learning about each discipline, I have begun to understand what type of writing I should do within my major. My major is accounting and in accounting, there is not a significant amount of writing besides word problems. When I have to write statistical papers within accounting, English 165 taught me that I have to use an APA format. With the language in accounting, you have to be clear and concise with no extra frills or flare. Then in the reference section, all that you have to do is follow the APA format. All of this new knowledge is going to help me with my accounting career in college and when I graduate from college as well. For example, the type of work that is going to include this kind of writing is financial statements that have to be precise because you are turning them into the government. One wrong word in them and you will have the IRS knocking at your door. Overall, I greatly value what I have learned in this class and look forward to implementing it into the rest of my education and career.