Blog Post 5 (10/17): Do YOU Know When You Register?

As usual, in this blog post, compare your experiences with those of Sarah, our protagonist. We see Sarah, having returned from Thanksgiving break, ready to tackle the last couple of weeks of school. You have also just returned from a similar time frame break and are likely facing more midterms. If you’re having difficulty thinking of ways to approach this, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Hopefully no one returned to a dead fish after the break, but how does it feel to be back with a roommate after being home (or not) where things are familiar?
  2. Do you know when you register? What classes you are hoping to get? Are there still things that seem so totally brand new to you here at Longwood?
  3. How do you think your experience at a small school compares to Sarah’s big midwestern school experience.
  4. Do you find yourself drifting further from your friends back home?
  5. You have TWO breaks quickly approaching, how do you think it will feel to be away from Longwood for an extended amount of time?

The further we travel down Sarah’s Freshman experience, the harder it will be for you to relate because you will not have had these experiences yet. This is when some deeper reflection on what you’ve already experienced will come in handy. It’s time to start PLANNING how you will handle the remainder of your freshman year.

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My experience in college.

I had a lot of fun through out my first year in college. I mean sure it was not all sunshine and rainbows but I can’t think of a time where I was not enjoying myself. My roommate are pretty great, we decided to even stay together this school year, and classes were went really well, I mean there was only one class I did not really enjoy but that was in my second semester so I am not counting that right now. To compare my experiences to Sarah there were classes like the one English professor, whom where chill and approachable and some like the art professor, more standard teacher from high school, I guess where Sarah and I differ is that I did not really talk to a lot of my friends back home, I mean one took a trip over seas and I did not find out till fall break and the others were also settling into college. On another note I talked to my family all the time so i was never really home sick, it probably helped that my family moved quite a bit growing up so i never really tied home to place but rather people and i was talking to those people often. I also didn’t date in high school so I didn’t have to deal with a long distance relationship, my roommate did and just from watching them I count myself lucky on that front. All to say I enjoyed my first time at college, I actually joined a club not to long into the semester so i was able to get out and meet some nice people outside of my dorm building and classes, it was nice. When i finally went home for fall break i was looking forward to coming back but i was also excited to be back with my family, like the week before i was set to go home some of my buddies from back home reached out to set up a meet up so not only was i going looking forward to being with my family i was looking forward to going out with my buddies. All in all I enjoyed college it was fun and I learned quite a bit.

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How Does Your Experience Compare to Sarah’s Now that She Is in Classes–Blog Post 4 (Original)

This blog post should focus on how your experiences compare to those of Sarah and her friends now that they are in the thick of the semester. We witness Sarah going to classes, attending social events, dealing with roommate struggles, and eventually completing her first semester in college and returning home, as well as returning to college. What about her situation mirrors your own? Are you looking forward to the holidays or does the thought of returning home make you feel uneasy? How do you think you’ll feel about returning to college after the break?

What else about your experiences are completely different than what Sarah has gone through? How do you think a larger university compares to your experience here at Longwood?

You are NOT required to answer all of these questions, but choose what works best for you.

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