My experience in college.

I had a lot of fun through out my first year in college. I mean sure it was not all sunshine and rainbows but I can’t think of a time where I was not enjoying myself. My roommate are pretty great, we decided to even stay together this school year, and classes were went really well, I mean there was only one class I did not really enjoy but that was in my second semester so I am not counting that right now. To compare my experiences to Sarah there were classes like the one English professor, whom where chill and approachable and some like the art professor, more standard teacher from high school, I guess where Sarah and I differ is that I did not really talk to a lot of my friends back home, I mean one took a trip over seas and I did not find out till fall break and the others were also settling into college. On another note I talked to my family all the time so i was never really home sick, it probably helped that my family moved quite a bit growing up so i never really tied home to place but rather people and i was talking to those people often. I also didn’t date in high school so I didn’t have to deal with a long distance relationship, my roommate did and just from watching them I count myself lucky on that front. All to say I enjoyed my first time at college, I actually joined a club not to long into the semester so i was able to get out and meet some nice people outside of my dorm building and classes, it was nice. When i finally went home for fall break i was looking forward to coming back but i was also excited to be back with my family, like the week before i was set to go home some of my buddies from back home reached out to set up a meet up so not only was i going looking forward to being with my family i was looking forward to going out with my buddies. All in all I enjoyed college it was fun and I learned quite a bit.

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Dear Future Self

Dear Future Syriana, I hope that you have been treating yourself kindly. I have the utmost trust in the fact that you will have friends that you love and care about and they feel the same to you. I want you to have a solid idea on what you want to do with a psychology career, I want you to be someone that I can be proud of. College may be hard but adult life always will be, so suck it up and do it. I want you to have kicked the nasty habit of procrastination that you have and that you learn the most effective techniques so that you can help those around you. You deserve the world and you should work hard to make sure that it is deserving of you. Help all the people that you can whether it  be from working minimum wage during summer, or if you do a research that truly rattles the ordinary mind, do what makes the present you the most happy. I want to get more active and have a better balance of work and play, it’s something that really needs to be fixed even if it seems really hard just like now, you can do it. You WILL have friends, a happy life, a good support group, wonderful study habits and all the amazing things that I know we deserve. Excelle in what you love, learn how to embroidery more effectively, walk the Appalachian, get better and healthier habits and most importantly be happy with what you make for yourself. I will always believe in you future self so do the things that will lead us to the most happiness and think of all the people that you will meet, love, hate, and experience along the way. I’m always cheering you on!!! 


With so much love,

your past self.

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Dear Future Me,

Dear Future Me,

It is I, Logan, though I am sure you knew that. I am sure you have forgotten all about this letter by now, but here it is all the same. As it stands today I am a student at longwood university, my major is business and economics with a concentration in Accounting. There are things i wonder about you, how you will fare in this class, English 165, is probably the most prevalent on my mind. I am sure you know I am no good at English but I am sure that we will prevail. I wonder how you are now, did you graduate in the school of business and economics or did you switch majors? Did you finally make a decision on taking a minor? if so is it the economics minor I am thinking about or something different? Did you get a good internship? How was the talk with the recruiter that Joe wanted you to talk too? I hear the CPA exam can be difficult, I hope that it was not to hard to do. But most of all I hope your enjoying your career I know that is my greatest fear is that i will hate it. On anther note, I wonder if you ended up joining anymore clubs, like chess(if there is one), I know that is something I am thinking about doing but am unsure if I want to do that, would be good for networking but at the same time I do not want to join something just to know people I wanna have fun, but i digress. I am sure you are out living your best life, a life I cannot wait to see. I am excited to get to your point in life, excited to see what career we end up going into and how we get there.

Through all the good times ahead,

Logan Wooton