Dear Future Me,

Dear Future Me,

It is I, Logan, though I am sure you knew that. I am sure you have forgotten all about this letter by now, but here it is all the same. As it stands today I am a student at longwood university, my major is business and economics with a concentration in Accounting. There are things i wonder about you, how you will fare in this class, English 165, is probably the most prevalent on my mind. I am sure you know I am no good at English but I am sure that we will prevail. I wonder how you are now, did you graduate in the school of business and economics or did you switch majors? Did you finally make a decision on taking a minor? if so is it the economics minor I am thinking about or something different? Did you get a good internship? How was the talk with the recruiter that Joe wanted you to talk too? I hear the CPA exam can be difficult, I hope that it was not to hard to do. But most of all I hope your enjoying your career I know that is my greatest fear is that i will hate it. On anther note, I wonder if you ended up joining anymore clubs, like chess(if there is one), I know that is something I am thinking about doing but am unsure if I want to do that, would be good for networking but at the same time I do not want to join something just to know people I wanna have fun, but i digress. I am sure you are out living your best life, a life I cannot wait to see. I am excited to get to your point in life, excited to see what career we end up going into and how we get there.

Through all the good times ahead,

Logan Wooton


2 Replies to “Dear Future Me,”

  1. Dear logan,

    It is wonderful to read your letter from 2024. It seems like you were going through a lot at that time, but I am happy to know you were thinking about your future. It sounds like you were unsure about your career path and whether you would enjoy your chosen field. It’s normal to feel that way, especially when you are still young and trying to figure out your passion. It’s great that you were thinking about clubs and other organizations, that’s a great first step into moving in the right direction. It is important to build connections and find your community, both in college and in your career. I hope you found a club or group that you enjoyed and helped you with your career and even make some great friends along the way. I’m curious to know if you ended up pursuing a minor in economics. It’s interesting that you were considering it back then. Did you find it a good fit for you? I’m also curious to know how your English 165 class turned out. It sounds like you were worried about it, but I hope you found a way to succeed and even learned to enjoy it. You were worried about hating your career, and that’s a valid concern. Sometimes it’s hard to decide what would be the best fit for ourselves. Many people find themselves in careers they don’t love. It’s never too late to change direction, because you are never stuck in just one career. It’s important to follow your passion and do what makes you happy. I hope you are living your best life and enjoying every moment. I’m sure you have accomplished great things and found your true calling.

    Best of luck,
    Kaileigh jeter

  2. Dear logan,

    After reading your letter I realized we have a lot in common. I am also a business major with a concentration in accounting. With the accounting classes I have taken they are not as bad as they are going to seem. I am also not that good in english but we both will get through English 165 just fine. I am also thinking about a minor in economics. The only reason I am thinking about taking that minor is because one of my mentors in high school that taught economics really helped me understand it and enjoy it. I also wonder if the CPA exam is hard. One of my family friends has his CPA and I asked him and he explained that if you know your stuff and study it’s a breeze. Another thing I question too is if I can get a good internship. I know I have my family business but I also want to branch out and explore the other opportunities that accounting majors can offer. I also read that you are thinking about joining the chess club. I play chess in my free time. I am still trying to learn how to shorten my game time up. I will have to say try and get out as much as possible and get the whole college experience. I am on the club baseball team and it was the best thing I did with the amount of new people I met and now I am rooming with 3 of those guys I met out on the baseball field. I wish us both the best in our college life. We have a lot of the same interests after reading your letter to yourself and I hope we have some business and accounting classes in the future .

    Sincerely, Daniel


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