Dear Daniel

Dear Daniel,

Hopefully by now you have graduated and are on the career path of business within our family company. I hope you have experienced all of what college has to offer. I expect that you have experienced the nightlife and fun that Farmville holds. I hope you have experienced meeting new people and enjoyed taking in the different cultures that come together in one place to learn and grow. I really, really hope you tried new foods from different cultures to broaden your view on foods. I hope you experienced the new academic experiences that college has to offer. I hope you joined the club baseball team and continued playing. I hope you built a team bond with the boys from club baseball. I hope you got involved in Greek life and joined a brotherhood. I hope you experienced basketball games and other sporting events to get the full college experience. I hope you found new things to enjoy with this newfound freedom, like trying a new sport like golf or going walking on the high bridge trail. I hope you have made connections to the business world to help the family company. If you decided to go back and work at the family business, I hope you landed an accounting job. I hope you have gotten your CPA license, Class A contracting license, and real estate license. I hope you have gained the confidence to speak in a public setting and in front of others. I hope you gained relationships with professors and other faculty to help with business opportunities and referrals. I hope you got internships at accounting firms to further your understanding on how to apply your accounting knowledge in a work setting. After saying all this, I hope you excelled, I hope you have succeeded in leaving college and didn’t have one regret about anything. Lastly, I hope you succeeded in finding yourself in a time of such knowledge and exploration.

Your past self,

1 Comment

One Reply to “Dear Daniel”

  1. Hello Daniel,
    I am replying to your letter to your future self, I too am in the business course here at longwood. I have read your post and just wanted to say, I think your goals are admirable and i hope you accomplish everything you set out to do while here at longwood and well beyond, but most of all I hope you enjoy yourself while here, I know at times college can and will suck but in the end it is the battle you face that make up who we are as people. I think your time at longwood will be an exciting time and I am happy to have you with me here in English 165.
    Your Classmate,
    Logan Wooton


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