who will you be in 4 years

Dear future self,


You are currently a freshman at Longwood majoring in elementary education and so far you are loving it. Between the nice professors you’ve had so far and the amazing people you have met. A few questions I have as you look back on your freshman year are did you try things out of your comfort zone, or meet new people. Did you go out often on the weekends or did you become a homebody? Some things I’m wishing for you now are that you graduate with a high GPA, making the dean’s list, and most importantly finding the group of friends who make you laugh the most. Do you still talk to the girls from highschool or have you since drifted apart? Did longwood live up to all of your expectations or did it fall short? Did you really keep the dream of being a teacher or did something else interest you? Did you live at home all four years or did you move out? Freshman you are currently sitting with friends all doing homework and laughing talking about plans for the upcoming weekend. Some more things I have to know are: did you get involved in any clubs or Greek life during your time at Longwood? If you did end up living on campus, what is dorm life like? From what I’ve heard now it doesn’t sound like its for me, maybe an apartment would be better. If you got involved in Greek life, what’s that like, did you find the one for you, or did it not live up to your standards either? How many times did you say you would start early on your homework and then wait until the last minute to finally start on it, or did you fix your procrastination problem all together?