Dear future self

Dear future self,
You are currently a Freshman at Longwood University studying communications. As I am writing this I want you to think back to your Freshman year and think about if you still have the same friends you did your Freshman year or if rushing was as stressful and nerve racking as you thought it was going to be. Some questions I am excited to answer in the future are, did you stick with communications or did you change majors? I know now that switching majors has been a thought lingering in the back of your head as a Freshman. Did you get into the sorority you wanted too or did you find one that was a better fit for you? Did you meet your people in college and do you still talk to your high school friends? Do you miss home as much as you do right now? Some accomplishments I hope we achieve in the future as I am writing this now, September 5, 2024 are graduating college with a 4.0 GPA, being in Greek life and being an active participant in clubs, and most importantly finding your group of people. I have many questions but most importantly did you make the most out of your college experience? Did you enjoy it? Did you get involved in school activities? Whether it be clubs, Greek life, or sports? All of those things that you went into college knowing were important goals for yourself. Were you able to achieve them? Do you have any regrets? Did you end up loving Longwood like you thought you would? I know now as I write this I say my classes are not hard and my professors are nice, did that change? Did it get more complex or did you meet any professors you didn’t make a connection with? I hope that I get to answer these questions with the most thrilling answers in the future.