Tyler Weiss, Who Will You Be in Four Years? (Blog Post due, Thursday, Sept 5th, Groups 1 & 3)

Dear, Tyler Weiss

I hope you are doing well during your time at Longwood University and I hope you’ve accomplished all the goals we’ve set for ourselves. As I am writing this letter after just starting my freshman year I am filled with excitement and determination. I know that these next few years will be challenging for you, but I also know that they will be incredibly rewarding for you. There are a few goals that I’ve set for you that I want to make sure you stay focused on, so I am writing this letter to remind you on what is important.

First, I am committed to succeeding in ROTC. I know this program will push you to your limits but I determined to complete this and it is something that I am passionate about. I want to develop good leadership skills and discipline and that will help me not just in the military but also in civilian life. I hope that by the time you read this you have grown both physically and mentally and have taken on leadership roles within ROTC.

Second, Getting good grades is a priority. College is a time to learn and grow mentally and I want you to make the most of every class I take. It is going to take hard work and you will need to focus and there will be many late nights but I am determined that you will excel and sacrifices like that must be made in order to succeed. I hope that you’ve stayed organized and have managed your time well, and I hope you take some time to look back at where you started and to know that you gave your best efforts in every course.

Finally, As a History major, I want to take a dive deep into my studies and truly understand the intricacies of the past. History is more than just memorizing dates and events, it’s about understanding the forces that have shaped the world that we live in today. I hope that you’ve had the opportunities to engage with your professors and have participated in class discussions, and maybe even contribute some original research towards the field. I want you to be proud of yourself and the History Major you will become.

I know that there will be times where things are tough and the goals that I have set might seem to feel out of reach. But you need to remember why you started. Remember the passion and drive that you possess and how it is going to fuel your way to success. Keep pushing forward and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. I believe in you, and I am excited to see all you strive to become.


Tyler Weiss


1 Comment

One Reply to “Tyler Weiss, Who Will You Be in Four Years? (Blog Post due, Thursday, Sept 5th, Groups 1 & 3)”

  1. Dear Tyler,
    I hope you keep true to yourself and achieve all the goals you have made, when you look back at this letter, I want you to be proud of yourself and all the challenges you had to go through. I admire your commitment to succeeding ROTC. I know leadership and discipline are two skills that will be greatly beneficial in your career and every aspect of your life. So, keep going.
    College is so demanding, I am already experiencing it, and I am inspired by your determination to prioritize your academics. From your letter it is clear you are ready to put in the work to achieve success. Time management and organization are two things I really lack, and I am currently on a long journey to be good at, and so I encourage you to stay organized and manage your time well. On thing that stood out was “College is a time to learn and grow mentally and I want you to make the most of every class I take.” This sentence stood out because I think instead of “make the most of every class I take” I would replace “I” with a “you.”
    As someone who loves history, I like your approach that history is not just about dates and events. I hope to someday read your original research in the future. I highly encourage you to engage with your professors because that will show them that you are invested in your studies, and they can be resources you can use when you need them in the future. I wish you all the best on your journey and I hope you will be happy when you confidently walk to get that degree.
    I know you can overcome any challenge that comes your way. I hope you do remember why you started. You can do it, and I cannot wait to cheer you on when I hear your name being called to walk the stage. Good luck!!


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