Who Will You Be In Four Years?( (Blog Post due, Thursday, Sept 5th, Groups 1 & 3) Academic Writing, Engl 165-09 Fall ’24

Dear future me, I hope that firstly, that you thoroughly enjoy where you have found yourself. I hope in your time at Longwood you have built many strong long lasting friendships though clubs and classes alike. I hope you have expanded your knowledge and problem solving skills by way of rigorous coding projects and extensive research into textbooks, PDFs, papers, and lectures. One of the main goals I Have for you is to figure out where exactly our computer science major will take us. Currently I’m overwhelmed by everything from the extremely specialized fields to the broad, all encompassing jobs. I expect as you take more complex and in depth classes you will have found your niche.I hope you have also taken advantage of the very welcoming environment, broken out of your shell and are talking to new people regularly , and have jumped into getting involved on campus and have even joined many clubs, some of which might be long time activities you have partaken in such as card games but others which you are just trying for the first time maybe an art or photography club, as there will not be a better place to step out of your comfort zone than here at Longwood. Also you have hopefully joined a recreational soccer team on campus to stay active and balance school with personal hobbies. I assume you have supported the many school sports teams here by attending games and prep rallies. A relatively small goal I hope you achieve is to spend time walking High bridge trail and getting out into nature, maybe on the weekend. I hope I take the time to dig deep into subjects that intrigue me via the library and its extensive catalog. In 4 years I hope you have found you had the opportunity to thrive and learn and you took it.

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One Reply to “Who Will You Be In Four Years?( (Blog Post due, Thursday, Sept 5th, Groups 1 & 3) Academic Writing, Engl 165-09 Fall ’24”

  1. Hi Brooks my name is Syriana and I’m a psychology major. I absolutely love the fact that you are so excited about being at Longwood and have all of the goals that you have set for yourself. I really wish you the best of luck in your computer science major. I personally think that’s an absolutely great career choice, especially if that’s something you want to pursue (I have the worst knowledge of any kind of computer, even my own)! I totally understand the statement of being overwhelmed by all the “extremely specialized fields to the broad, all encompassing jobs” psychology is very similar in that aspect with so many, while i’m not sure if yours are extremely separate with no crossover or if it is like psychology with so many of them dipping into one another. Most everyone I know is having a rough time adjusting to college and its large workload, some better than others but if you keep up the hard work you can do most anything! I think that the fact that you want to expand out of your shell is something that everyone in college is hoping to do, even myself. We might even see each other at games and pep rallies to support Longwood, though I will definitely only be watching! I hope that you achieve your goal of being on the recreational soccer team, I personally prefer the fine arts. There are so many great opportunities to go for very scenic walks, not only in Longwood but the whole of farmville! The world is such an expensive and wonderful place that you really can’t see and experience all of it in one lifetime! I also really like the library and hope to find oceanography texts that I find entranching. I wish future you the absolute best luck in the next 4 years!!


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