Blog Post #1: Who will you be in four years?


Dear future self,

How are you doing? Currently you’re a freshman at Longwood University studying Bio/Pre-med. Is this still true? I hope so because I am so excited to see what else is waiting for us. But I know you have good judgement, although I may be a smidge biased, so I know you’ll do good in whatever else you choose. What has been your favorite part of college over these past few years? Was it everything you imagined? You had such big dreams for your college experience, hopefully you stuck with them.

Have you found any clubs or groups to get involved with? You were so excited to experience college life, so hopefully you found some way to live that out. Are you still friends with the people you came here from high school with? Did you find some new friends? You love talking to people and showing your care for others, so I really hope so. Which brings me to asking, are you still the same people loving person you grew up to be? I really hope so, that’s your favorite part of yourself.

Looking back on your past four years, what was your favorite class. Probably not math, but maybe that changed about us. Maybe we like math now. Do you still want to be a Radiologist? We’ve changed our mind so many times that I wouldn’t doubt it if you said you changed it again. If so, have you done any internships or started working at a hospital to gain some experience? How are you liking it? Hopefully you can look at yourself in the mirror and see the person you couldn’t wait to see when you were me, just getting started.

I know you’re doing great, because we never knew what we were gonna do if we didn’t. Hopefully by now you’re in medical school, learning everything you dreamed to know as a kid. Im proud of you, you did it. Keep on going until you can say you’re truly happy with the outcome. No matter how many times you have to restart. You’ve got this. I hope I get to answer these questions with all the answers I wish I could know now.

From your current self,


1 Comment

One Reply to “Blog Post #1: Who will you be in four years?”

  1. Dear Kaylie,
    I admire the thoughtfulness and care you have put into this letter and to your future self. Your ambition, curiosity, and desire to stay true to your values is evident throughout your letter. It is clear that you have a deep commitment to your personal growth and success.
    As you reflect on your time at Longwood University and your Bio/pre-med studies, you are shown to have big dreams for your future. Whether you choose to remain on this path or find a different direction, the decisions that you have made were with deep thought and with purpose. Should you have continued on the path towards becoming a radiologist, I imagine you’ve gained invaluable experiences thought internships or practical training. If your interests have shifted, I am sure that your choice reflects on what best suits your strengths and passions.
    Your dedication to fully embracing the college experience both academically and socially is admirable, and I am confident that you have discovered valuable opportunities to engage with others. Whether it is through joining clubs, forming new friendships, or participating in various organizations.
    Your reflection on academics, epically the possibility of developing an unexpected interest in math, highlights your openness to growth and adaptability. Regardless of which subjects ultimately capture your interests, your enthusiasm for learning will remain constant. If you are still pursuing a career in radiology, it would be exciting to hear about any internships or hands on experiences you’ve gained along the way. These opportunities are sure to have deepened your understanding of the field and helped bolster your confidence in your chosen path.
    I am confident that you read your letter in the future, you will be able to look back with pride at how far you have come. Whether you are on the same journey or have taken a different route, your perseverance and optimism will help guide you toward happiness and towards a fulfilling life.

    Tyler Weiss


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