Who you will be in four years

Dear Future Self, 

You are writing this on September 11, 2024 as you are attending your first year at Longwood to get your Elementary Education degree. You always wanted to be a teacher and you knew from a really young age. Did you realize it would be this hard to get to that point to actually teach in the next few months? Did you achieve the license you need and have the GPA you want? Even better, did all your experience with student teaching be something you will never forget? You picked Longwood for the best education program close to home that fits your needs and hopefully it was all that you seemed. You know how much you love to learn about your degree, but did you get more involved then just learning? You told your freshman self that you wanted to meet some of your life long friends that will always stick by your side. Your roommate is your childhood best friend and your suitemates were new girls you met freshman year, and we have already made some of the best memories. Are you living with all of them in an apartment? Or new friends? Or some of both? I remember you telling yourself that you were looking for clubs that dealt with animals. I know you researched Paws for Purpose and STEP, but did you actually go through with being in them? If you attended them like you plan to, did you make any connections with people or pets? Possibly even bring one home like you did as a senior in high school? In the back of your mind you were possibly wanting to rush for a sorority, but the more you thought you were stressed about not having time for studies. Did you join one or just stick with clubs? As the years went on and the studies got harder I know that your family and friends were always by your side. I hope you made your time at Longwood worth every minute and stood to your standards of your studies and activities you got involved in. Push yourself to be the best version of you in your teaching career. 


The person you will become 

1 Comment

One Reply to “Who you will be in four years”

  1. Hi Lauryn,

    My name is Avery! Your blog post caught my eye because we have the same major, Elementary Education. I love that you are focused on your education and getting the most out of your degree. My GPA is also important to me. Your questions to your future self about becoming a teacher got me looking forward to student teaching. I too wonder what my experience with the students will be like. You mentioned Longwood’s education program being the reason why you chose the school. I agree with you on that. My first choice was James Madison University, but after touring Longwood and looking into their education program, I decided Longwood was the place for me. You said that you wanted to be close to home. Another reason why I chose Longwood was because it is not far from my home in Richmond, VA.
    As far as getting involved here at school, we have a lot of similar interests. One of my suitemates is a close childhood friend of mine, just like you and your roommate. You talk a lot about how you want to make new friends that will stay an important part of your life going into your adulthood. I think that college is a great place for that. We will meet so many new people and find out what our interests are while we are here. I hope that you are able to find a good group! Another intriguing part of your blog post is your interest in animals. It is great that you are looking into clubs that fuel your interests. If you decide to rush a sorority, I’m sure that you will be able to manage your schoolwork. You seem determined and well driven. Even if you don’t you will surely find a group of people through clubs or other organizations.

    Good Luck,



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