Moving on (Blog post 8)

I’m so excited for the next semester, and I’m kind of surprised that I’m not nervous. Actually, I take that back I’m scared because I don’t want my classes to be that difficult. I had a really hard time with my classes. I took chemistry and biology simultaneously, and I know it was stupid. I know it’s hard to say I want easier classes because I know it never gets easier, all I want is a break, and I’m counting down the days until Thanksgiving and Christmas break!

I register for classes right at seven o clock; I woke up at 6:30 just to be ready and get all the classes I wanted. When I went to the right plan for the plan I created, I hit click, and it only took one of my classes. Then I looked at my criminal justice classes because that’s my major, and guess what there were none, so I ended up with no classes from my major. But I wanted to take the good out of the situation, so I decided to focus on my minor in sociology, I took three sociology classes. But the number one thing I needed was NOT a morning class, I am not an early bird, so my earliest class is at 10 o’clock, and I’m grateful for that.

I couldn’t tell you how excited I am for spring break!! I will be excited to do no schoolwork and just hang out with my family and friends from back home. I’m not doing anything crazy, but this summer, I’m going to work my butt off. I’m now realizing as a broke college student that I need to go into college with more money than I did this year. I spent all my money from my job to decorate my job, but always my dorm is so cute, so I’m not going to complain.

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