My First English-165 Class

I have never had an English class help me with so much. So far, I have learned how to do an annotated bibliography, blog posts, grammar, and how to do citations. That’s a couple out of the probably 40 things. We had to read four books in your class: Understanding Rhetoric, Freshman Year, They Say I Say, and Academic Writing. But if you asked me what my favorite was, it would be understanding rhetoric because I understand it the best because it is in comic form, it’s engraved in my mind. I don’t have multiple favorite chapters, but the ones I remember are the ethos, pathos, logos, and Karos. I don’t have a least favorite chapter; I have a least favorite book, I don’t like reading They Say I Say, not one bit. For example, when we were doing our reading quiz, when I read the chapter for They Say I Say, I forgot what I had read when I turned the page, that’s why it’s my least favorite. When I started college, I was the most scared of this writing class, and I can confidently say now I’m not afraid of someone looking at my computer while I’m typing or letting someone read and critique my writing.  My strengths in this class are the blog posts because I feel like I can write more like myself, and how I talk in real life is how I write. But my weakness is starting an essay, I started my annotated bibliography late, and how I will fix that by starting my essay in bits and pieces. I have a problem with writing in one sitting and getting half of the essay done, and then I’m burnt out by the time I need to write again. I love this class, and I’m going to miss it, but I will always think of my English 165 if I write another annotated bibliography again, I can promise you that.