Hello, Daniel. I wanted to start by saying I am glad you had a good fall break. Just like you and Sarah I took the oppourtiny to go home for my fall break. I live about 2 hours away, so it is not too far but just far enough to take a break from Farmville. I was also lucky enough to have all my midterms before break, so I was able to take the weekend to not have to worry about school. I was very greatfuI I got to spend time with my friends, family, dogs and my boyfriend who was also home for break. I was feeling slightly home sick when I returned, and this was the first time I have felt that way since move in. However, I was very excited to see my suitemates especially one who has been gone for about 2 weeks due to being sick. I have also enjoyed going to a small school however before I picked longwood I planned to attend Coastal Carolina university which is a very big school. Although sometimes I have doubts and wonder if I picked the right school, I look at how much I enjoy having smaller classes and getting to know my professors and the people in around me. I have also decided to stay in close contact with my friends from back home. My best friend just moved to South Carolina however we chose to stay very close, and I see her very frequently. I also have my boyfriend who goes to school in North Carolina, but we are from the same hometown and have decide to stay together as we have been on and off for 5 years. I like to keep the people in my life close regardless of distance. I believe the distance has made us as people stronger and learn more about ourselves and each other and support no matter what. I love my friends I have met here very much but my friends back home are irreplaceable.
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