

With this Zine there were many things I found very interesting. The first reason on why I liked this zine is because of the front cover. Looking at the front cover of the book gave me such a realistic feeling about sports. Oh really found the abstract colors of the zine very interesting too. I like how they fit different colors based on the theme of the zine. I felt like this really fit the Zine category due to it artistic skill throughout the booklet. Another reason on why I call this a Zine is because of the amount of information in such little words. Next, I liked how this specific sports zine showed the different decades of NBA history. I feel that talking about the different decades of NBA history, could help inspire people in the future that might have the dream of playing in the NBA.
Looking at this zine you can tell it was made with a lot of care and also made mostly electronically. The reason I say that is because looking at the clear detail in the art work made the cover page POP! When looking at this Zine they gave us different social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter. I feel like this was important because the zine gave us different options on how we can find this specific reading online instead of just looking in one place. Overall, I didn’t feel like anything was missing in this reading. Everything was very organized and readable. Lastly, I feel very confident in what I chose because this was non fiction. The reason I chose something non-fictional is because I felt like others and I could understand and relate to this Zine more. Also, I liked how history was involved in this Zine instead of talking about NBA events that’s happening right not. Learning about history 10 years ago and learning about history in the future helps give a bigger picture of the NBA culture and how they operate day to night.