A Sunday to Remember

The book starts on a normal Sunday morning and everyone was doing their normal Sunday routine. The day ends in a terrible fright as someone throws a bomb at the poor church. The news spread like wildfire over the radio and everyone knew about it in no time. Imagine waking up that day and planning on doing what you do every Sunday. The church was full of innocent people who just wanted to worship their God that Sunday. What kind of person would bomb a church full of innocent people? Innocent lives were lost that day to the hatred someone had for black people. Many families lost their loved ones and with that, they gained a lifetime of grief. I do not know what I would do if I was ever in a situation like that. To be living my life like I do every day and for something so bad to happen so suddenly would be something I would never recover from. What could I or anyone else have done to make the bombing affect the town any less? How do you make it easier for someone to live every day after that knowing that someone they loved is now gone? Nothing could change the hatred this person had towards black people nor could it bring the victims back. What could anyone have possibly done to stop something like this from happening? People fought long and hard to make a change in the world and this was the response they got. After the bombing happened the violence got so much worse. More innocent lives were lost and the only real reason for it was because the victims were black. If this was not enough to show the world that black people need help, then what will really show them?

1 Comment

One Reply to “A Sunday to Remember”

  1. You are absolutely right about the traumatic effects an event like this would have on those affected. Especially those who lost loved ones for no clear reason other than hate. But I wonder if you see things like this happening today as well? Do you think we are beyond this type of hate and violence?


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