Creative Zines

I chose the zine titles, “Like the Tide”, by Isabella Rotman. This zine stuck out to me with the striking cover, that was yet subtle enough to be looked over, if one was not paying attention to the different covers inside the gallery. This zine is classified as a zine, because the author is passionate about the ocean and exemplifies their love in a short story.

I think the author made this zine was created using some sketching , with an app like ,”Procreate”, then digitally edited online with an online software , to enhance the colors and images used. The words are obviously typed , and not hand written, for the most part , but the authors uses some hand-drawn words , when describing actions. The author enhances the detail of hand-drawing , with the woman “gasps” for air when coming up for air.

I think this is a pretty awesome zine, this proves that zines do not take much effort to be creative. All that is required for a zine is the dedication , or love for anything. This author chose on of my personal “safe spaces”, the water. I love being near the water , just laying beside the water , or swimming , makes me feel like I am connected to every wave, or motion.

My zine will be on the battles many of us face everyday as college students. Many of us face silent battles hidden beneath a smile. For me , personally , I battle a major case of anxiety , and some days it is hard for me to even remember what my name is. This is heightened when I have to engage in contact with my peers, and I want people who face similar battles, to know they are not alone. We crave things to help us ease the tension , for many of us ,that supplement is nicotine.

zine link -



2 Replies to “Creative Zines”

  1. I found the zine you’re talking about from your link and I have to agree on your opinions about the cover. It is very subtle, like one of those books you’d pass over in the library because it doesn’t quite grab your attention. The art is very beautiful, however. As someone who loves to draw but is horrible with form, I wouldn’t be able to draw that cover that well and it is nice. Of course, looking throughout the zine, I see more and more I wouldn’t be able to draw either.
    Very few words are used throughout, the message is simple and told through pretty few words. The art is more symbolism for the words, it enhances the message and tells you how to feel. It’s simple and that’s enough, that fits because the message is hard to express through words.
    I think you’re choosing a great idea for a zine. There’s so much that college students face, I also face anxiety, not nearly as severely as you describe, but it is a hiderence. It would be great to draw attention to the stresses of college and putting description and reasons behind, or ways we cope, might make it easier for everyone to talk about. It would definitely make it easier for those stressors to be worked through as well.
    Especially since it seems like you may have social anxiety, since you mentioned your anxiety is heightened when you talk to classmates, it might be good to include info about that in your zine. I think a lot more people have social anxiety than we might realize and calling attention to that and informing people and why that might be would be great to read and see.
    I’ll be looking forward to seeing what you’ll create. Seeing as you had great comments about the zine you were talking about in your post, I’m sure whatever you make will turn out great. So good luck!

  2. I like the zine example you choose for this; it has a nice title to it and I love how they did the cover of the zine with the striking on the cover. it was interesting that the author was using an app or an online software for their zine even with some sketching in it. When he has typed and not hand written words was interesting because I think he wanted to make it look nice an professional even with the colors and images he used in his zine. And I also agree that zines do not take much effort to be creative and you definitely do need dedication for making one and I do see why he chose one of your safe spaces using the water, being by the water is a safe space for people to because they feel safe and are able to relax by the water and even staying warm under the sun. Swimming does make people like they are connected to the wave in the ocean on how you swim. I love that you are making your Zine about many battles college students face, I do have some anxiety too and it does stand out that this will help with students that face the same amount of anxiety or some anxiety to help them relax. I think that when people have anxiety they try and find something to help them relax and it will help them forget they have that, your zine will stand out for people that would like to read about people that they can connect too that have the same situation they are stuck in with anxiety. For the supplement to help them ease off I see that nicotine is one way to help them ease away from anxiety, I think that doing something that help you relax and helps you be you will help ease off.


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