structure language and reference blog- blair

This weeks blog post is a bit different. Today I will be going over Structure, Language, and Reference in academic writing. When thinking about structure language and reference in academic writing what comes to mind is a set of rules or foundations used to help make your work readable and enjoyable and professional. Structure in academic writing is the format in which you write. It is also the guidelines, the rubric, the small details in a writing that keep it organized and readable. For example when you make you Introduction, Body Paragraphs, and your Conclusion, you are practicing structure in academic writing. Academic writing is usually objective and technical. Language in academic writing is basically the level of formality, tone, emotions, and the message in a writing. The four types of language are academic writing is descriptive, analytical, persuasive, and critical. Each type has specific rules and purposes. Reference in academic writing is acknowledging the contribution of other writers or researchers in your work. Referencing gives that person credit for the work they did. Referencing can even make the difference in a plagiarized paper. Referencing also helps validate your argument by introduces credible sources of information and not just from your own research. As an Art major focusing on graphic animation and design we use formal language, when presenting our work we wear business casual clothing to compliment the professionalism of our work. We use APA style citations for referencing. The structure of GAND can vary depending on the class or assignment but it usually revolves around a set rubric you must follow. Similar to an English 165 rubric. It is important for me to learn all of this information because I need it to get through college, it can help me become better educated, and it will become second nature.