The Neo Ku Klux Klan are they still Relevant?

The Ku Klux Klan are located mainly on the East Coast, primarily in the south. The are 42 different groups on Klan members in the United States. This is not surprising as this is where the groups originated. On the list there are a few northern states including Maine but there are minimal groups occupying the area.

Some activités that the Klan are involved in today are still wrong in my eyes. They spread Racist and Anti-semitic fliers to residential doorsteps. This is trying to spread the word of their so called religion now. They want more groups of people to join them because they are still the believers in segregation. These people do not just hate black people but they hate Japanese people and Jewish people as well. These groups also holds rallies and protests, for example when the Robert E. Lee state was taken down many groups across the nation came together to protest this removal. However to some other groups like then White Supremicist group they are seen as too radical and will not gain their support for any of their involvements.

The Ku Klux Klan today is much different than the Klan of the Civil Rights Movement. This is because the Klan today will not harm a single individual. This is because they cannot get away with it as the police today will not favor them over a free citizen. Klan members back then would burn houses, bomb churches, and murder innocent people all because of their race. Back then the Klan was not as much a religion as it was a terrorist group. In today’s world this group practices its effort in the same way as a religion. Today’s Ku Klux Klan is not nearly as dangerous as the Klan of the Civil Rights movement. In today’s world the Ku Klux Klan is split up by so called legions where as the Klan back then was one big group just spread out. I believe they are not a threat so much as terrible people who were raised by former Klan members and this “religion” will dissolve in the coming years.



Where is the Klan Now

The March books refer to the KKK frequently. And we all know that the Klan did horrible things to good people during the civil rights movement. They were cruel at their best and murderers at their worst. But let’s set aside the civil rights movement for this post. I want you to think about Now.

  • Where is the KKK today?
  • What types of activities are they involved in?
  • How do they compare to the Klan during the civil rights movement?

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