The story history helps tell.

Let freedom ring means that all the virtues that the American constitution has said that every person should have access to inside their country should be able to actually be experienced by everyone in the country. Maybe the phrase means that their voice should be heard throughout the country and by other people. Like rally to have everyone supporting their cause here and to spread awareness of the civil rights injustice. If I was never able to have access to the freedoms I have today I don’t know what I would do I’ve never really thought about it, maybe I would be part of the change or maybe I would be too frightened to do anything, honestly I would be apart of the protesting, I would write letters and be nonviolent in my ways of fighting against the injustice. I think I would try to stick up for myself and those I care about. As for where I see myself in this text I think I would be a part of the people getting beat up for standing their ground in what they believe in, I would be part of the people on the bus doing the stand-insĀ  for protesting, and on the streets marching holding up a sign. I do think that people today would be willing to go through the same hardships, just like how back then there were certain people who were more outspoken and willing to lose their life for what they believe in then there were those that did not believe in the fighting for change either because they were too scared or they felt ok with how life was. I just believe it depends on the person and how many people the issue resonates with. The perfect example is the black lives matter protesting that took place during the pandemic. These types of parts in history are important to tell the life stories of those who fought for our lives as black people to be better.