“Let Freedom Ring”

“March: Book 2” had some unsettling images, to say the least. The horrific events escalated to become even more disgusting and heinous as the time went on. The actions and lengths taken to ensure the African American minority did not have access to equal public transportation were completely unnecessary and, a smack in the face to the religion, most of the attackers claimed to worship.

The phrase “Let Freedom Ring” means to be released from the shackles that have held a person for so long. These shackles can be literal, like prison, or metaphorical like, oppression, an abusive relationship, depression, or the anxiety eating away at a person’s mental state. This can take form in many ways in anybody’s life. This not only applies to minorities, but every single person has something holding them back from being taken as an equal amongst society. Every person yearns to break free from the barriers that make them feel “less” than the other members, at school, at work, or even in the world.

I see myself in the text, when I think back to when I wanted something for myself, but every time I was close to the goal, some barrier made that goal feel so far out of reach. Many of us take for granted the access to the things that others wish they had the opportunity to obtain. When I was in my freshman year of college, I wanted to be student body president. When Election Day came, I had more than 60% of the votes. I was denied the position, because the area where I was from lacked urbanization. They said I would not be able to connect with the students from urban areas, up north. This was not so, I was denied because of the color of my skin. This was a barrier set in place to defer me from the position. I understand what it means to not be given the same opportunities a white man would receive.

I would take lengths to make sure I am seen as an equal today. My lengths would be non-violent and perfectly legal. I would protest and make sure every person heard my voice , through social media. Every public event where I could have my voice heard , I will be in attendance loud and proud. Most importantly, I will not stop until my voice is heard.